Trinity Presbyterian Church
is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it!
~Psalm 118:24~
~Psalm 118:24~
Directions: From Route 15: Just south of the bridge over the James River, turn east onto New Canton Road (Route 688) then left onto CG Woodson Road (Route 670). The Church is located just before the New Canton Post Office.
We worship at 11:00 am on the fifth Sunday of those months with five Sundays. On the first and third Sundays we worship at Arvon Presbyterian Church, and on the second and fourth Sundays, we worship at Fork Union Presbyterian Church.
Mailing Address: PO Box 464 * Fork Union , VA * 23055-0464
to a church history written by the Reverend Eugene B. Fernald, A.B.,
M.Div. on the occasion of the 160th Anniversary of the church in 1987...
Trinity Presbyterian Church was organized August 11, 1827 as a Presbyterian congregation for New Canton and Cartersville, VA.
In 1840 what was then known as "Upper Trinity Church" was built at the top of Main Street in New Canton Village. "Lower Trinity Church" was the congregation at Cartersville.
In 1881, Trinity Church voted the "Welsh Chapel" to be founded at the slate mines in nearby Arvonia.
On November 30, 1883, Upper Trinity Presbyterian Church separated from Lower Trinity Presbyterian.
By September 26, 1885, the Welsh Chapel was organized from members of Trinity Church. This chapel is the present-day Arvon Presbyterian Church, a member of Christ Parish.
Trinity Presbyterian Church was organized August 11, 1827 as a Presbyterian congregation for New Canton and Cartersville, VA.
In 1840 what was then known as "Upper Trinity Church" was built at the top of Main Street in New Canton Village. "Lower Trinity Church" was the congregation at Cartersville.
In 1881, Trinity Church voted the "Welsh Chapel" to be founded at the slate mines in nearby Arvonia.
On November 30, 1883, Upper Trinity Presbyterian Church separated from Lower Trinity Presbyterian.
By September 26, 1885, the Welsh Chapel was organized from members of Trinity Church. This chapel is the present-day Arvon Presbyterian Church, a member of Christ Parish.
And all God's people said, "Amen!"

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